Setting the standard – CSPL looks ahead
On Monday, the Committee is holding a horizon-scanning event with central and local government, regulators, academics and others. It's a chance for us to take a step back and make...
On Monday, the Committee is holding a horizon-scanning event with central and local government, regulators, academics and others. It's a chance for us to take a step back and make...
...evidence we receive will inform a submission into any review by the Commons Committee on Standards of the Code of Conduct and Guide to the Rules for MPs in due... the bottom three of the ‘least trusted profession’ league tables alongside cabinet ministers and estate agents. Nonetheless, a free and independent press is also fundamental to political accountability and...
A flurry of recent news stories has raised controversy about ex-ministers and senior civil servants passing through ‘the revolving door’- moving from government service into well-remunerated positions in the private sector. But at least such moves are overseen by …