Ethical standards
David Prince, former member of the Committee on Standards in Public Life, gave a speech on why ethical standards continue to be of the upmost importance in local government to the Standards Conference for monitoring officers on 6 July 2016. …
As the 40 newly elected PCCs start their roles, they can be under no illusion about the scale of the task they face; reduced police budgets, large scale commissioning, increasingly complex crime, a changing devolutionary landscape and then taking over …
In advance of the elections in May, the Committee on Standards in Public Life has published its ethical checklist for all current and aspiring PCCs. As well as writing to candidates, the Committee is highlighting the checklist with local and …
What is an ethical regulator? The Nolan Principles provide a good starting point: ethical regulators are those that uphold and enact the values of selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership. There has been considerable academic and policy focus, …