Professor Julia Black reflects on Ethics for Regulators
...professions such as doctors, solicitors and barristers, and has moved into the financial markets in the wake of the Libor and similar scandals. In the last few years, two new...
...professions such as doctors, solicitors and barristers, and has moved into the financial markets in the wake of the Libor and similar scandals. In the last few years, two new...
This week the House of Lords debated the impact of the government’s proposed change to the political levy of trades unions which would require members to ‘opt in’ rather than, at present ‘opt out’. The Committee has some history here. …
In September Dr Felicity Matthews from the University of Sheffield presented to the Committee, findings from her and Prof Matthew Flinders research, into the UK’s experience of public appointments in a comparative context. Dr Felicity Matthews provides further insights from their …
...emphasis on ensuring that the public sector acts ethically, so many other areas of life are now heavily regulated – energy, communications, transport, health services and medicines, social care, schools...